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335 lines
TAP-std working group D. Bernstein
June 1991, revised 17 August 1992
Status of this Memo
This memo provides information for the Internet community. It does
not specify an Internet standard. Distribution of this memo is
1. Introduction
It is common for Internet hosts to associate relatively long-lived
information to each TCP connection, often (but not always) including
a ``username'' or ``owner name'' or some other information about the
entity using the connection. TAP announces the information associated
with a particular TCP connection to the host on the other end of the
connection. TAP may be used on any host which associates relatively
long-lived information to each connection.
2. Overview
This is a connection-based application which runs over TCP. The TAP
server listens for TCP connections on port 113 (decimal). After a
connection is established, the server reads one line of data which
specifies the connection of interest. If that connection exists and
is associated with system-dependent information, the server sends
the information. Otherwise it sends an error line. After sending the
information or error line, the server closes its connection. After
reading the information or error line, the client closes the
The server will give information about TCP connections between the
server's host and host H only to host H itself. The two hosts (i.e.,
IP addresses) involved are not transmitted explicitly by the
protocol; they are implicit in the connection made to the server.
3. Request format
The server accepts simple text query requests of the form
<localport> , <foreignport>
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RFC NNNN TAP August 1992
where <localport> is the TCP port on the server's host and
<foreignport> is the TCP port on the client's host. All numbers are
expressed in decimal without a sign, and all text is ASCII. If the
request is not in this format, the server may immediately drop the
For example, say rose is connected to the standard TELNET port on
host tulip, through TCP ports 6191 on rose and 23 on tulip. (Note
that rose and tulip are simply names used in this document to
identify two IP-connected machines. They are not fully qualified
domain names.) tulip connects to the TAP server at port 113 on rose.
It sends this line:
6191 , 23
Here 6191 is the TCP port on the TAP server's host (rose) and 23 is
the TCP port on the TAP client's host (tulip). This uniquely
specifies the given TELNET connection.
The precise format of the request line is as follows: <localport>,
followed by any amount of whitespace, followed by a comma and any
amount of whitespace, followed by <foreignport>, followed by carriage
return and line feed. Whitespace means space or tab; "any amount"
means zero or more, though a client should not print excessively many
spaces. The server should read until the line feed and respond
immediately. The client should not send anything after the line feed,
though future revisions of this specification may permit additional
data. The client should not add initial zeros to its decimal numbers,
but the server must accept such numbers. Future revisions of this
standard may assign additional meaning to decimals with a leading 0.
4. Response format
The server sends a response line in one of these two formats:
<localport> , <foreignport> : USERID : <systemtype> : <conn-info>
<localport> , <foreignport> : ERROR : <errortype>
Here <localport> and <foreignport> are the same numbers as in the
query. (If the client uses initial zeros, the server may do so as
well, but otherwise it should not use initial zeros.) <systemtype> is
an operating system name for the server's host as described in
Assigned Numbers, RFC 1060 or its successors. <conn-info> is
system-dependent information associated to the connection.
<errortype> is text describing an error as outlined below.
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<systemtype> may also be OTHER to specify any other operating system
not yet listed in Assigned Numbers. Even if the server's system is
listed in Assigned Numbers, the server may use OTHER for any reason,
including operating system type privacy. Future revisions of this
document may permit further values of <systemtype>.
<conn-info> is in some format defined by the system. This document
does not define the format or meaning of <conn-info>. Often
<conn-info> is in the same format as a system-dependent mailbox name,
which is typically in the same format as a system-dependent username,
but these equivalences are not required. <conn-info> could be
encrypted with a secret key; it could carry something other than
information about the entity using the connection. For the purposes
of this protocol, <conn-info> is an uninterpreted octet string. See
section 5 for further details.
For example, some possible responses to the 6191 , 23 query might be
the following:
6191 , 23 : USERID : UNIX : joe
6191 , 23 : USERID : MULTICS : StJohns.DODCSC.a
6191 , 23 : USERID : OTHER : StJohns.DODCSC.a
6191 , 23 : USERID : TAC : MCSJ-MITMUL
6191 , 23 : USERID : UNIX : a6X#-Yp,3147,2910
6191,23 :USERID:OTHER:wewishyouamerrychristmasandahappynewyear
6191 , 23 : ERROR : NO-USER
An ERROR line means that the server could not determine the
information associated to the TCP connection. <errortype> tells why.
<errortype> may be any of the following:
<localport> or <foreignport> was improperly specified---out of
the range 0 to 65535, for example---or the request was
otherwise non-standard. In this case the server may drop the
connection without replying.
The connection specified by the port pair is not currently in
The connection is in use, but the information associated to it
is explicitly hidden.
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Cannot determine the information associated to the connection,
for an unknown reason. The server may give this <errortype> in
any case and for any reason, including privacy, whether or not
another <errortype> applies.
Future revisions of this document may allow other <errortype> values.
The server may also report an <errortype> beginning with the letter
X; all such <errortype>s are reserved for experimental or
non-standard use.
The precise format of the response line is as follows: <localport>,
followed by any amount of whitespace, followed by a comma and any
amount of whitespace, followed by <foreignport>, followed by any
amount of whitespace, followed by a colon and any amount of
whitespace. In the USERID case, it is then followed by USERID and any
amount of whitespace, a colon and any amount of whitespace,
<systemtype> and any amount of whitespace, a colon and any amount of
whitespace, one or more characters giving <conn-info>, and finally
carriage return and line feed. In the ERROR case, it is followed by
ERROR and any amount of whitespace, a colon and any amount of
whitespace, one or more characters giving <errortype>, and finally
carriage return and line feed.
Note that this format is ambiguous if <systemtype> contains colons or
whitespace. Assigned Numbers does not currently list any <systemtype>
with colons or whitespace, but if it ever does, the TAP server must
use OTHER for the <systemtype> on such a machine. The server should
also not use a <systemtype> containing carriage return or line feed.
Similarly, if <conn-info> or <errortype> begins with whitespace or
contains carriage return-line feed, the response line format is
ambiguous. The server must never use <errortype> containing
whitespace, carriage return, or line feed, and future revisions of
this RFC will never provide for such an <errortype>. The server
cannot send <conn-info> beginning with whitespace or containing
carriage return-line feed; it should not send <conn-info> containing
whitespace, carriage return, or line feed. ERROR : UNKNOWN-ERROR is
Finally, <systemtype>, <conn-info>, and <errortype> cannot be empty
strings, and cannot contain ASCII NUL (character 0).
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Later revisions of this protocol specification may further restrict
the octets which may be transmitted. In light of this, servers
should, if possible, limit <conn-info> to at most ASCII codes 33
through 126. Clients should, however, be prepared to handle all
Note that there is no limit on line lengths: in particular, on the
length of <conn-info>. The client may drop the connection at any
time to avoid overflow. The server should, if possible, place the
most useful information within the first 512 characters of
5. Applications and security
A TAP server may place any information it wants into its responses to
a TAP query. This protocol does not assign any meaning to <conn-info>
beyond its intrinsic existence as an octet string. So, in most cases,
a TAP client will simply record the bytes of <conn-info> in some
manner for possible interpretation later by the server host. This is
primarily useful as a form of remote auditing: if the client host
judges that the TCP connection represents an accidental or malicious
malfunction on the part of the server host, then <conn-info> may
permit the server host's owner to track down the exact source of the
malfunction. So the information returned by TAP in this case is of
primary benefit to the host generating that information.
The TAP client can do nothing more than this unless it has an
external reason to assign meaning to <conn-info> received from that
particular host. Beware that assigning <conn-info> an unjustified
meaning will in general lead to security holes. Do not use TAP for
access control without documenting the external knowledge you have
which ensures that your use of <conn-info> for access control is
justified. An attacker could subvert the security of a server host or
of TCP/IP; and any host could send any information it wants along a
TAP connection. Two dangers of weak methods of access control are
that they may permit access which should be denied, and that they may
deny access which should be permitted.
6. Notes
This section is not part of the TAP description proper. It provides
historical information and pointers to further information.
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RFC NNNN TAP August 1992
TAP is derived from the protocol defined in RFC 931 by Mike StJohns.
It was first implemented by this author in early 1990, then again in
February 1991, and distributed via the USENET network under the name
authd. Later in 1991 two more independent interoperable
implementations were distributed through the Internet. In 1992
another independent interoperable implementation was distributed.
TAP, as defined in this document, is the same as the authd protocol,
which has not changed since its first implementation in early 1990.
This document is a cooperative effort of the TAP-std working group.
TAP-std is an ad-hoc group with the following charter: ``This group
is chartered to document the TAP protocol as used on TCP port 113
around the Internet. Its first goal is to publish as quickly as
possible an accurate, well-understood, complete TAP specification
which reflects the consensus of the community. Afterwards it will
keep track of TAP usage and produce further documents as necessary.
This group will not publish as a standard any TAP variation which has
not been tested on the Internet, though it will make all reasonable
allowances for future extensions.''
At the time of publication of this document, you can join the
tap-std mailing list by sending a subscription request to
tap-std-request@kramden.acf.nyu.edu, or by connecting to TCP port
39311 on and typing your username. There is also a
mailing list for people who want to use TAP to solve problems. To
join, send mail to rfc931-users-request@kramden.acf.nyu.edu.
The author would like to thank Chris Davis, Peter Eriksson, and Dave
Borman for their helpful suggestions used in creating the TAP-std
base document. Thanks go to all the participants in the TAP-std
working group for their suggestions, comments, and criticism.
Security Considerations
Security issues are discussed in section 5.
Author's Address
Daniel J. Bernstein
5 Brewster Lane
Bellport, NY 11713
Email: brnstnd@nyu.edu
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